Friday, August 31, 2012

Session 5 Presentations

Last week, we had presentations about three different charcters: San Agustín, Froebel and Dewey.
In your blogs you answered 2 questions, one related to the presentations and another about co-evaluations. This week you will comment one sentence per presentation including personal opinion.
 Ex. What really called my atention about Dewey was...

Deadline Tuesday 12 Midday

Friday, August 24, 2012

Session 4 Presentations

Answer the next questions in your blog by Tuesday midday:

A) What are the most interesting elements of each character in today’s presentations?

1.Character 1:   Sentence
2.Character 2:   Sentence
3.Character 3:   Sentence
4.Character 4:   Sentence

B) What do you think about co-evaluations?

Workshop 3

Friday, August 10, 2012

Workshop 2

Workshop 2

OBJECTIVE: Identify the fields of study in Didactics (In Spanish)