Monday, April 21, 2014


Develop the next exercises, choose the correct answer and explain why you DO NOT choose the other alternatives. You can work in pairs if you want. Send your answers by the end of the class to

I. Choose the correct alternative.

1. ‘This morning I bought ___ newspaper and ___ magazine. ___ newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put ___ magazine’.

a) The missing determiners (in the correct order) are: a, the, A, the.
b) The missing determiners (in the correct order) are: the, the, A, a.
c) The missing determiners (in the correct order) are: the, a, A, the.
d) The missing determiners (in the correct order) are: a, a, The, the.
e) The missing determiners (in the correct order) are: the, a, The, a.

2. In the sentence ‘Where is ___ nearest shop?, the missing determiner is:

a) some
b) every
c) the
d) a
e) each

3. In the sentence ‘Do you want tea or coffee?’  --   ‘______. I really don’t mind’, the missing determiner is:

a) either
b) both
c) neither
d) any
e) this

II. True or false. (T or F). Justify

1. ___ Determiners are used at the beginning of noun phrases.
2. ___ You use general determiners to refer to specific people or things.
3. ___ You use ‘the’ when you are specifying which person or thing you are talking about.
4. ___ ‘the’ is used with the name of a musical instrument (someone’s ability to play it).
5. ___ You use ‘the’ with some proper nouns referring to geografical places.

III. Underline the determiners in the following sentences. Then classify them.

1. This Japanese manufacturer thinks so.

2. A New York police official said the NYPD has not changed its procedures to deal specially with suicide bombers.

3. I’ts time to think outside the barrel.

4. We live in a small village in the country. It’s a quite, comfortable place with several useful shops.

5. There was little information at the airport. Few people seemed to have any idea what time the flight was likely to leave.