Friday, November 09, 2012

Session 12 Knowing Our Students

 One page essay that contains the answers for
1.- Why it is said that "a teacher must know his/her students"?
2.- Mention 3 important elements from the students' contexts that affect the teaching/learning process.



  1. Why teachers must know about their students?

    Nowadays, teachers are one of the principal agents in the Learning Process. They must be updated and have a wide knowledge about learning theories, methodologies and student’s learning styles. To achieve all these abilities it is important that the teacher gets to know the student in a wider and deeper level. In order to reach this knowledge, the teacher must understand the different learning styles. In that way, he or she will be much more prepared to develop appropriate lessons to guide his or her students.
    We can appreciate three different learning styles that can be very useful to the teacher as a pattern to follow. The first one states that some students learn easily by seeing graphics and reading displays to acknowledge some type of wisdom and experience. Then, the second style says that learners get the knowledge by hearing the subject matter described. Last but not least, we can find the kinesthetic style where students acquire learning by feeling through hands-on activities.
    Even when the teacher must be aware of these learning styles, he or she also must know that there are some elements or factors that can affect the way that students learn. We can find three major points. One of them is motivation that is defined as the principal key of progress and ability to learn. So, if a student presents lack of motivation the learning process is not going to be successful. Another factor is the student’s experiences that will determine the way students are going to behave and interpret what is going to be taught. Finally, we can find the previous training which models and disposes the student in front of the knowledge.
    As we said at the beginning, it is important for each teacher to get the right knowledge about different learning styles, factors that can affect the learning process, but most important they have to know how to apply them according to the student’s realities. All of these points are stated, because each student is different from each other, presenting their own rhythm, style and methods to process the information acquired.

    Melissa León
    Karla Pineda
    Nicole Tapia
    Monserrat Yáñez

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. Why it is said that a teacher must know his/her students?
    It's vital to know what kind of students I'm teaching to, first of all, to have a complete approach and understanding of each one of them, because all of them are very different, they have different types and manners to get the lesson, some of them are fast learners and some of them are not, some of them struggle to understand and some others do not, so to get to know them on their very aspect is THE key to teach in a better way, for example, they have differences in learning styles, likes and dislikes, also the teacher should know how to keep them engaged in the learning no matter what, and a way to do this is to know what their personality is like.
    2. Mention 3 important elements from the students' context taht affect the teaching/learning process.
    - Self-concept: what you think about yourself, this can be in two ways, wether a positive or engative way, according to it, you will accomplish or not your goals.
    - Goals and values: Depends on what are you willing to do or do not to accomplish your goals, that's why goals depends on somebody's values.
    -time and oportunity: this depends on each student, they are all different as I said before and they have all different rhythms of understanding something, some of them need more time and some of them not that much.

    Teresita Mora

  4. 1.- Why it is said that "a teacher must know his/her students"?
    The learning process should be a period of lasting and effective learning, by what the teacher must know the needs of each student, teaching content with value and applicable, in this way the knowledge and skills of the student will increase.

    The teacher is currently an entity committed to their vocation, so it is necessary that the to know each of the characteristics of their students, whether it's the way they learn or the needs of learning that students require.

    Another important point by which teachers must know their students is that in this way they will be much more easy to apply methods and innovate in different teaching techniques that you wish to apply.

    2.- Mention 3 important elements from the students' contexts that affect the teaching/learning process.

    some elements that may affect a student's learning may include:

    self-concept: It is necessary that the student has a vision of himself negative or positive, but in this case the appropriate characteristic would be that the students feel confident with your skills and that if it proposes them can achieve more than one step in the learning process.

    Time and opportunity: Students must learn a proper theory of the contents that are learning, but at the same time, it is necessary that may have a practice of this same, since this way them will be more easy to understand content.

    Basic Need: The teacher should teach in first instance contents that the students need, content that may cause effect on them, so that in this way learning is lasting in time.

    Polette Guerra
    Paulina Cataldo
