Sunday, March 27, 2011

Syllabus Template

8vo Año Enseñanza Básica
1st Term 2011
Instructor: María Mercedes Yeomans C.  E-mail:
Office Hours: Virtual Office Hours. Present your doubts by e-mail. Answers in 24hrs.
Location in the Curriculum: Idioma Extranjero Inglés
Course Description: This course is going to be developed in a school located in Cerro Alegre in Valparaíso, called PUERTOPAZ. It is parcially financed by the goverment and provides education for students from Pre Kinder to 4 Año de Enseñanza Media.
It’s better known for the Christian Education its teachers provide and an special attention on the affective domain and the character of the student. Even though there are 14 levels, it is just compound by 250 students, aproximately.
The social surroanding is very important, because that specific place in Valparaíso is plenty of artistic manisfestations. Most of the parents are painters, musicians, sculptors and, as the hill became touristic, also owners of restaurants and all kind of stores.
This course is oriented to the acquisition of comunicative competences, in order to provide the student the tools to perform socially in a basic level.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, the students will:

  • Recall visitor’s information.
  • Understand opening and closing times (Listening)
  • Be able to ask and give information about routines.
  • Build structures to provide information by writing.
  • Be able to ask and provide personal information.
  • Responds effectively to unexpected experiences. 
  • Express his/her likes and dislikes.
  • Narrate experiences or descriptions of life in the past

Course Format: On-site classes and field trip (eventually).

Course Requirements:
  • This class requires a 85% of attendance.
  • Cellphones are not allowed.
  • Students can arrive maximum 10 minutes late if they are justified by a supervisor.
  • Each class the students will have a quiz about the contents of the previous class.(25%).
  • There are going to be three quizzes(25%), two written and one oral; and a Middterm (15%) and a Final Exam (35%), both oral.

Required Texts:  “American Shine For Teens, Student’s Book 2”. Judy Garton-Sprenger and Philip Prowse. Macmillan.

 Course schedule by sessions and list of readings for each:

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