Sunday, April 17, 2011


Considering Joan Kang Shin advices about storytelling ( , I made up the next activity: 

Little Red Riding Hood

Required Story:  Little Red Riding Hood
Level: Kinder Garden
Time Required: 20 Minutes
Course Objectives:
By the end of the class, the students will:

  • Recognize color RED and GREEN.
  • Identify RIGHT and LEFT.
  • Describe talking to strangers as a dangerous behavior. 

When I was asked to prepare this activity, inmediatly came the complete picture to my mind. At that very moment I thought in Little Red Ridding Hood, the paths, and the "right and left" concept. Then I remembered that there are some schools were little kids wear red and green ribbons sewn to their sleeves in order to make the learning of "right and left" easier. 
I decided to make very big paper bracelets and give them to my students before the storytelling. That way, it was easier for me to explain them what I meant when I said "red" by pointing the bracelet that, of course, I wore, when I narrated the story.

One of the challenges that presented was the adjustments that I had to make to the story. 
As I decided to make the asociation "Red-Right / Green-Left", I needed to put a color sign in the paths. But I didn't want to add lots of unknown words to this activity, because we are talking about a Kindergarden ESL class. We have to be aware that English is not the mother tongue of this students. So, as "flower" is a known word, and, if it wasn't, it's very easy to illustrate, I made up, in my mind, a right path plenty of red flowers.  I modified the story, and made up that Little Red Riding Hood's mom told her to follow the red flowers. It was a great idea, in my opinion, but you'll never find that picture in the net. Don't try it, I already spent a lot of time in google. But, if you have that kind of problem, you just have to superimpose images. And that way I was able to make all the pictures I needed.

After the story we played a game. I ask them to line up and, if I said "right" the jumped to the right, and if I said "left" they jumped to the left. The students had some help: The bracelets!, and I told them a secret: "RRRRight and RRRRRRed start with RRRRR".

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