Friday, August 31, 2012

Session 5 Presentations

Last week, we had presentations about three different charcters: San Agustín, Froebel and Dewey.
In your blogs you answered 2 questions, one related to the presentations and another about co-evaluations. This week you will comment one sentence per presentation including personal opinion.
 Ex. What really called my atention about Dewey was...

Deadline Tuesday 12 Midday

1 comment:

  1. About Comenius I didn't quite understand his MO, but I think I will be very interesting to know more about him.

    When we talk about Pablo freire, his way of teaching was more radical and modern than others.

    Pestalozzi was really focused on children and how their development is influence by 4 main aspects.

    And Rosseau was, undoubtly, a great influence to all of us.
