Thursday, September 13, 2012

Session 7 Teaching Models

In this session we are going to identify the most important Teaching Models, which are:

  1. Traditional Education
  2. Behaviorism
  3. Constructivism
You will work in groups among 3 or 4 people.  

Task 1- IN CLASS
  1. Define the three models in your own words.
  2. Mention 3 precursors for each model.
  3. What do they have in common?
  4. What are the main differences among them?
UPLOAD QUESTION 1, 2, 3 and 4 to your blogs.

Task 2- IN CLASS
  1. Personally, what model do you prefer?


  1. Traditional Education
    It is a very formal and authoritarian education based in discipline, punctuality and obedience.

    In this models the behavior is modified or altered by changing the enviroment or the rules so that you will get the result you want, very positivist

    This is a theory of knowledge in which we construct our own meaning according to our won reality, in this model we can interact with the learning experience

    Traditional Education
    Jean Piaget
    Maria Montesori
    William Spady

    Ivan Pavlov
    Alan Kazdin
    Albert Bandura

    George Kelly
    Humberto Maturana

    3.-They just have in common the behaviour conduct of students because in the first one we can see that there is an authoritarian form of seeing the position of the students, the second one tries to change the behavior and the last one thinks that the student could construct their own knowledge .4.-the main differences are: for the first one it is really important being an obedient person, the second one tries to change the environment just to change the students behaviour , and the third one leaves the student creates their own knowledge a particular thing that couldn’t have been thought before for the traditional education..

    Carolina Hinojosa
    Felipe Abarca


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  4. I prefer the constructivist model, developing knowledge on your own is almost every time more meaningful than any other way, but there's still some influence of the teacher.

  5. Social Behaviorist.

    I like the positions of Social Behaviorist because It is focuses more in results and It is in constant research and this one is always updated for today's students helping them to be more successful and we achieve this analyzing their behavior and we know that the knowledge is in constantly change and updated.
    We determine what will create success using examples of successful characters and investigate how they managed to be successful and what we should know to be like them.
    The social behaviorist believe that the student could be more successful if the teachers help the students with the inspired knowledge concerning to the successful characters.
    In my personal opinion I think that this position gives us role models which help us to orient also learning about successful characters which are a great example for society.

    Ilsa Toro/ Erika Jiménez/ Melissa Albornoz.

  6. I personally prefer the constructivist model, because the student will have a better understanding of the information that the teacher is giving him, because the teacher is giving the student just the tools to help him to solve a problem or situation. This kind of education is guided to the action. This way, the knowledge will be more understanded, because the student by himself will find the answer.

  7. The model I prefer is the Contructivism, because here the students are the protagonist of the learning process. The teacher is only a guide that helps the student to reach the aim, giving him only the tools. In this Method, the students role is active and the teachers role is pasive.

  8. Personally, what model do you prefer?

    I prefer the constructivism model , because it gives to the students , tools that are going to allowes them to create their own methods in order to resolve problems situations ect.

    Nicole Tapia

  9. The model i prefer personally is the Constructivism, where children learn by doing.

    Only in doing or creating and seeing something they can learn more effectively than by reading and writing theoretical stuff about a specific subject. The teacher is only a guise to lead the pupil to reach the objective and to learn the proposed content.

  10. Nombres: - Melissa Gallardo P

    - Melissa León V.

    - Karla Pineda B.

    - Nicole Tapia B.

    1. Define the three models in your own words.

    Traditional Education

    This method conceives the teaching process as an art, where the teacher is craftsman that has the possibility of explain clearly and expose in a progressive way all his knowledge, focussing in the students’ learning. Here the pupil is a white paper that can be molded. The student is the center of attention in this type of education.


    Behaviorism says that individuals act to different experiences and this result is our way to behave. It’s the way how people interact with everything around them in a physical, biological and social way. It’s a learning perspective, based in philosophy and psychology, where every physical action is consider as a behavior.


    Constructivism is the way we create different meanings of the world. It’s known as a theory of knowledge which roots are philosophy, cybernetics and psychologist. Students are allowed to learn through their experiences, so they have to act through the environment to get a determined knowledge.

    2. Mention 3 precursors for each model.

    Traditional Education Precursors

    - Socrates

    - Comenious

    - Platón

    Behaviorism Precursors

    - Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

    - Burrhus Frederich Skinner

    - John Broadus Watson

    Constructivism Precursors

    - Jean Piaget

    - Lev Vygotsky

    - John Dewey

    3. What do they have in common?

    What they have in common is that they provide instructional designers with verified instructional strategies and techniques for facilitating learning as well as a foundation for intelligent strategy selection but they also provide structured foundations for planning and conducting instructional design activities.

    4. What are the main differences among them?

    Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Traditional education looks beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts.

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  12. I prefer Contructivism because the students can learn from their own experience and the teacher is only a guide helping them and they also can obtain meaningful knowledge and this knowlwdge can be reliable and trust-worthy.

  13. TASK 2

    1. Personally, what model do you prefer?

    I prefer Constructivism model, because the teacher must be a guide for the student, teach and give the tools and recourses and the student must develop with his own criteria and discover new things by himself.

    Polette Guerra R.

  14. 1. Traditional Education: Refers to long- established customs found in schools that society has traditionally believed appropiate.
    2. Behaviorism: Has to do with a psycology approach that gathers elements of philosophy, methodology and theory. It is how someone behaves through learning or to reach learning.
    3.Constructivism: Learnign theory that focus on the way that people create something or the way the learn something, this through experience an environment fist-hand, so they can learn by doing, by being in real with something.

    three precursors of each model.

    Behaviorism--> John B watson- B-F Skinner- Edward Lee Thorndike
    Constructivism--> John Dewey- Lev Vigotsky- Jean Piaget
    Traditional education--> Socrates, Platón,Comenious.

  15. Task 2 what rol model do I prefer?

    Honestly I prefer a little bit of each of them, I think they all have what it takes to make the student learn, just that some of them learn faster if they focus on contructivism, others not so much, so I'd say a bit of each one of them.
