Friday, July 05, 2013

Edu Evaluation - Contrasting International Certifications

Share a comparative table of the international certifications (I am sorry, I couldn't upload the file, but you have it in paper)

Curriculum Mark

Dear all, here you will find the links of the activities that will be considered for your mark. I will check them on Thursday noon.

Curriculum - Reflection

Do you agree with school uniforms and appearance rules? Justify your answer. In your opinion, is there any pedagogical purpose on them?

Curriculum- Teaching Approaches

According to the text "Enfoques de Ensenanza" analized in class, find 2 benefits and 2 disadvantages for each approach, in your opinion. Justify your answer.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Curricular Theory

Answer the next questions according to the text below:

1. Compare the PEIs of two different institutions. Mention 2 differences and 2 similarities.
2. Try to explain the reason of the differences between them.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Educational Evaluation- International Certifications ETS

Here you have the instructions for your investigation and the rubric for your presentations. You will work in groups of 3 or 4 people. Indicate who is in your group in COMMENTS. You need to choose among TOEFL IBT, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL JUNIOR, TOEIC or TOEIC BRIDGE.  Each group will indicate the chosen test  in "comments". You cannot use a test already taken by another group. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Edu Evaluation - Self Assessment

Self Assessment ppt from María Yeomans

Students who were absent answer in comments or send your work by e-mail

_____________________________________ Corrections

For both groups:
Question 2 - Choose the most important one, in your opinion, and justify your answer.
Question 3 - Give an example
Question 5 - Correct your answer.
20130610080323667 from María Yeomans


Sunday, June 02, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis p.16-20

Answer by Wednesday, individually:

What do you think are the most important dimensions in the OATs? Why?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis Pages 11-15

1.     How would you describe the autonomy margin in educational institutions?
2.     What are possible problems that could appear connected to the relation between Curricular Basis and School’s Programs?
3.     Why do you think skills, knowledge and attitudes are treated at the same level?
4.     According to your academic experience in school, did you appreciate this three elements as a student (skills, knowledge and attitudes)? 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Curricular Theory- Paradigmas Conductista, Cognitivo y Ecologico Conductual

According to the text, create a Conceptual Map including the three different paradigms mentioned.


BY Nataly Escanilla

Friday, May 03, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis

According to the Curricular Basis for Elementary School in Chile, answer the next questions, individually, by Tuesday:

1.- In your opinion, what are the Valoric Principals chosen in the Curricular Basis that reflect our national culture? Why?

2.- What are the Learning Orientations that you would add to the ones already proposed in the Curricular Basis? Justify your answer.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Curricular Theory - Sessions 4-6

Technical, practical and emancipatory interests.

By Tuesday, give a personal conclusion about the reading and your classmates' answers presented in class.   Remember writng your Point of View, a Reason, an Example and a conclusion (PREP).

Friday, April 05, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 3

In class you answered the next questions:
1.- Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?
2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?
3. Do you think teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students?

Now comment in this post, individually, by Tuesday:

*** Give a conclusion about the reflexions shared in class***

Edu Evaluation Session 2- Applications of Professional Ethics in Educational Assessment

Based on Pat Nellor Wickwire work, answer individually by Tuesday:

1.- What do you think is the relation between the cardinal principles of professional ethics and the steps mentioned when making decisions?

Use PREP format to answer (Point of view - Reason - Example - Point of View as a conclusion)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 2 (Personal work)

Personal Work
(Due date: April 3rd)

"Recorte de horas de historia se hizo pese a las criticas de los evaluadores consultados"

According to the piece of news given, comment:

1.- How are the different participants in this curricular change related?
2.- What are your personal conclusions about the way curricular decisions are taken in Chile?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 1

According to Cox (2001), answer the next questions:

1.- Describe the changes in the recent cultural reforms.
2.- Give an opinion, about this approach, connected to our country educational needs.
3.- As a group, what did you find interesting in this text.

Remember to use the PREP format to answer questions 2 and 3. (Point of view, reason, example and point of view)

Edu Evaluation Session 1

Psychometric and Edumetric Tests

Based on the text "Classroom Assessment: A Plea for Change", answer the next questions:

1.- What is a psycometric test? What does it mesure? Give an example of psychometric test.
2.- How did standardization and tipification in the 50´s and 60´s influence evaluation? Give examples.
3.- "Psychometric tests has driven the curricula towards the content of the test rather than learning what students should be learning" Explain the sentence and give an example in Chile.
4.- What kind ok language skills are possible to be evaluated through psychometric tests?
5.- What is assessment?
6.- Clasify the next ideas into test or assessment:
a) Involves teachers and students
b) Tests give reliable data, which serves for monitoring advances
c) Assessment and ongoing strategy
d) Tests are kept hidden from the students
e) Sometimes there are external monitors
f) Assessment are periodical or in parts and can be discussed
g) Tests report a single score
h) Tests are given in a particular time
i) Students are provided opportunities sometimes before and after the assessment
7.- Give 6 characteristics of the alternative assessment in English
8.- Mention 8 Objections for assessment