Friday, July 05, 2013

Curriculum - Reflection

Do you agree with school uniforms and appearance rules? Justify your answer. In your opinion, is there any pedagogical purpose on them?


  1. Yes, I agree because the school uniform has several objectives:
    Gives the idea of ​​equality (everyone is equal without exception). Manages to learn humility, avoid large expenditures on different clothes for each day. Besides wearing the uniform forces the student to care a little bit and not get into places where it should not skip school because everyone sees in his uniform. I believe that the pedagogical purpose has nothing to do with the topic of uniforms we'd be focusing on a topic nothing to do.

  2. Also agree, aside school uniforms can be boring or ugly, they keep equality & help student to focus more on learning need than fashion.

  3. Students:
    Rosa V.Meza A.
    Solange Coloma
    Nataly Escanilla

    We agree with the school uniforms and appearance rules because it gives a good support for the positive behaviour and discipline in the school and it also gives its identity. It also ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and promote good relations between different groups of pupils.

    So, we agree that there is a pedagogical purpose on them according to what we mentioned before.
