Friday, October 12, 2012

Session 9- Constructivism, Behaviorism and Cognitivism

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  1. Andres Brenner Baeza

    I honestly am not very good at blogging or using blogs as most people do, sorry... it's the ---- my blog

    Session 9 :
    Video about Constructivism, Behaviorism and Cognitivism... A very interesting and highly pedagogical video about the three main thoughts of teaching...
    It reveals the role of the teacher, the best materials of each thought and their predecessor. It defines main points of how you can plan and create effective classes and deliver kowledge to the pupils regarding different methods for different students. I liked the video because it makes very clear HOW and WHY to use these methods.

  2. Answers of the questionnarie.

    A) What's the meaning of the phrase "teaching must condition learnes"?
    Teachers must reinforce the student's behaviour through rewards and punishments, because they respond to stimulus provided.

    B) Why do you think teachers must present the objectives of the class at the beginning of any activity?
    Objectives must be clear because they are a guide to students and look for a desired behaviour. They tell the students what to do and what they're expected to do.

    C) Why do you think teachers must provide a challenging fearless enviroment? Refer to challenge and fear.
    Learners must be immerse in a challenging fearless enviroment and new information must be linked. Learning is an active process where teacher must motivate students, and at the same time students must be willing to get the knowledge.

    D) According to the video, in the constructivistic and congnitivism approach, information is moved to long term memory. What's the difference between the two approaches in this process?
    Cognitivism: Store information in memory for a recall (Long term memory)
    Constructivism: Building knowledge by doing. Information is moved to long term creating their own experiences.

    Chart information:

    a)Teacher's role: Teacher must condition learners.
    b) Materials: Flashcards or games.
    c) Precursor: Skinner.

    a)Teacher's role: Attention-getter, organizer, connector, repeater.
    b)Materials: Charts and diagrams.
    c)Precursor: Vigotsky.

    a)Teacher's role: Model, guide and facilitator.
    b)Materials: Projects, presentations, showcases.
    c)Precursors: Vigotsky, Piaget, Bruner and Dewey.

    Melissa León V.
    Nicole Tapia B.
    Karla Pineda B.
    Monserrat Yañez S.

  3. Questions:

    1.- What's the meaning of the phrase "teaching must condition learnes"?
    Teacher must condition learners in order to reinforce behavior and learning styles.

    2.- Why do you think teachers must present the objectives of the class at the beginning of any activity?
    Because learners only response to the previous stimulus, meaning that first they need to get a clear idea of the activity based on the teacher example and then they can start the activity given.

    3.- Why do you think teachers must provide a challenging fearless enviroment? Refer to challenge and fear.
    Learners must be inmersed in a challenging fearless enviroment to prove their skills and abilities also with the "fear" of the enviroment the can built their own personality and character to face new challenges and pursuade their goals.

    4.- According to the video, in the constructivistic and congnitivism approach, information is moved to long term memory. What's the difference between the two approaches in this process?
    Cognitivism: Store information in Long term memory in response to behaviorism.
    Constructivism: The knowledge is built by doing.

    a)Teacher's role: Teacher must reinforce interactions and knowledge of the students, and also make the objectives clear for them.
    b) Source: Flashcards.
    c) Precursor: Skinner.

    a)Teacher's role: Attention-getter, organizer, connector and repeater so the learner can store the information in memory for later recall.
    b)Source: Diagrams ( Mind map).
    c)Precursor: Vigotsky.

    a)Teacher's role: Model, guide and facilitator.
    b)Source: Projects, presentations.
    c)Precursors: Vigotsky, J.Piaget, J.Bruner and J.Dewey

    Comment: This video shows what a real teacher must do in a classroom, using the resources as posible to fullfil the student knowledge, nevertheless this material could be only used as a reference and not practicing all the time in classrooms, because the whole time teachers must be innovating and preparing new material with new methodologies for a better understanding.

    Franco Valdés S.

  4. B.Why do you think teachers must present the class at the beginning of any activity? Becayuse that may the students have clear objectives and they know what they have to do and how to do it accomplish their objectives.

    C.Why do you think teachers must provide a challenging fearless enviroment? Refer to challenge and fear.
    Because, conforting fear with a challenge, make students see what they really know, in that way the teacher has to motivate students to answer just with the previous knowledge, then the fear may desapear with the teacher's stimulation and linking the information.

    D.According to the video, in the constructivistic and congnitivism approach, information is moved to long term memory. What's the difference between the two approaches in this process?

    In Constructivism knowledge based in experiences and in Cognitivism learning happen when as a result of brain.


    Teacher's Rol: need force, repeat knowledge.
    Materials: flash cards and games.
    Precursor: Skinner.

    Teacher's Role: attention-getter, organizer.
    Materials: charts ans diadrams.
    Precursor: Vigotsky.

    Teacher's Role: models, guide, facilitators.
    Materials: projects and presentations.
    Precursor: Vigotsky, Piaget, Gerome, Dewey.

    Paulina Cataldo.
    Polette Guerra.
    Hernán Montenegro.
    Joann Vera.

  5. profe este es el link del trabajo mio (Felipe) y carolina Hinojosa... muchas grx!


  7. Task October 19th.

    Daily Routine Chart

    LESSON: Daily Routine.
    OBJECTIVE: Teach students to create sentences in Simple Present.

    To establish a good conversation about our daily routine.
    Present Simple.

    at the beginning - have to do

    1.-At The Beginning:
    Explain the activity that the students have to do. → Make sentences in affirmative form, negative form and interrogative form.

    Time: 10 minutes.

    every day - in a bar - do/don't/does/doesn't - every Tuesday - cook - a week - run - on Sundays

    Laure plays guitar every day in a bar.
    Laure doesn't plays guitar every day in a bar.
    Does Laure plays guitar every day in a bar?.

    They cook pasta every Tuesday.
    They don't cook pasta every Tuesday.
    Do they cook pasta every Tuesday?.

    George and his father play football.
    George and his father don't play football.
    Do George and his father play football?.

    I study 10 hours a week.
    I don't study 10 hours a week.
    Do I study 10 hours a week?.

    You run on Sundays.
    You don't run on Sundays.
    Do you run on Sundays?.

    Time: 35 minutes.

    Lexical: at the end - learn - purpose - How - understood - doubts - strengthen

    3.-At the end: What students learn in this class?, How can they use these expresions?.
    Ask the students if they understood the purpose of the class, and clarify their doubts.
    Make sentences in Simple Present helps us to strengthen our vocabulary.


    1. In this lesson plan, what are the elements that are related to the constructivist approach?
    The teacher give students the information about the routine, teach them how to use this information and how they can make sentences in their life.

    2. Why did you choose that closure for your lesson plan?
    Because we need to know if students understand what they are learning, if they didn't understand we must explain it again .

    3. Why is important to present the objectives at the beginning of the class?
    -Because in that way students know what they will learn.
    -For this activity along clear class and students have no doubt
    -Also, after a while the students lose focus.

    4. What is the difference between Objective and Function?
    In Objective we explain what students learn in class and in Function we explain for what students are learning that and how use ir in the future.

    Paulina Cataldo
    Polette Guerra
    Hernán Montenegro
    Joann Vera

  8. 1.- What's the meaning of the phrase "teaching must condition learnes"?
    They have to know their students to know what are the proper ways to introduce them the subject, through the learning styles and beahviorism.
    2.- Why do you think teachers must present the objectives of the class at the beginning of any activity?
    Because of a simple reason, the students should know what the class is going to be about, so in a way to prepare them in a psycological way and it has to do with an order in the classroom, although in my opinion that isn't that helpful or necessary.
    3.- Why do you think teachers must provide a challenging fearless enviroment? Refer to challenge and fear.
    A challenging situation can make them feel scared but also can make them feel stronger and with power, so they will know they are ready for the next step, to make they know, they are growing for the better of themselves, of course that might be frightening sometimes, but that depends on the type of challenge and the personality of the student.
    4.- According to the video, in the constructivistic and congnitivism approach, information is moved to long term memory. What's the difference between the two approaches in this process?
