Friday, November 09, 2012

Session 10 Lesson Plan


1 comment:

  1. Lesson: Daily Routine
    Objective: The students will learn how to use the simpre present statement.
    Function--> The students will be able to express themselves about their daily routines, such as habits, hobbies, or schedules.
    Grammar--> Simple present
    Lexical--> Adverbs, Actions, WH questions.
    Time--> 10 minutes: greet the students, present the objective of the class.
    25 minutes: the teachers show a short video about some young people, students in this case, doing daily activites, showing a routine, so in this way the miss introduces what is goign to be the class in a didactic way, also she or her asks around the students to know if they can infer what the class is going to be about.
    she explains the simple present, with examples,
    the students have to create a dialogue in pairs to tell the class what are their routines in front of everyone.
    10 minutes: The miss review a little bit what they learn and ask for some doubts.
