Friday, May 24, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis Pages 11-15

1.     How would you describe the autonomy margin in educational institutions?
2.     What are possible problems that could appear connected to the relation between Curricular Basis and School’s Programs?
3.     Why do you think skills, knowledge and attitudes are treated at the same level?
4.     According to your academic experience in school, did you appreciate this three elements as a student (skills, knowledge and attitudes)? 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Curricular Theory- Paradigmas Conductista, Cognitivo y Ecologico Conductual

According to the text, create a Conceptual Map including the three different paradigms mentioned.


BY Nataly Escanilla

Friday, May 03, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis

According to the Curricular Basis for Elementary School in Chile, answer the next questions, individually, by Tuesday:

1.- In your opinion, what are the Valoric Principals chosen in the Curricular Basis that reflect our national culture? Why?

2.- What are the Learning Orientations that you would add to the ones already proposed in the Curricular Basis? Justify your answer.