Friday, May 03, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis

According to the Curricular Basis for Elementary School in Chile, answer the next questions, individually, by Tuesday:

1.- In your opinion, what are the Valoric Principals chosen in the Curricular Basis that reflect our national culture? Why?

2.- What are the Learning Orientations that you would add to the ones already proposed in the Curricular Basis? Justify your answer.

1 comment:

  1. 1.- In your opinion, what are the Valoric Principals chosen in the Curricular Basis that reflect our national culture? Why?

    The Valoric Principals that reflect our national culture in the Curricular Basis are the common good with which the State aim all people will can be able to get an espiritual and material realization and develop as free people simply because these are part of the human rights which needs to be respected to improve our national culture.

    2.- What are the Learning Orientations that you would add to the ones already proposed in the Curricular Basis? Justify your answer.

    I would add the comradeship in the education because we have many orientation but in this days we have an important deficiency in this point, we can see in the media the increase of violence in many schools where students forget the sense of comradeship. I consider this is very important because the school is the first pleace where people learn to share and interact with others.
