Friday, May 24, 2013

Curricular Theory - Curricular Basis Pages 11-15

1.     How would you describe the autonomy margin in educational institutions?
2.     What are possible problems that could appear connected to the relation between Curricular Basis and School’s Programs?
3.     Why do you think skills, knowledge and attitudes are treated at the same level?
4.     According to your academic experience in school, did you appreciate this three elements as a student (skills, knowledge and attitudes)? 


  1. 1. How would you describe the autonomy margin in educational institutions?

    R: Educational institutions have a gap or margin in curriculum where they can introduce their specific subjects according the mission or vision of the establishment; the Mineduc gives them the possibility of doing this but, not ignoring the standards & obligatory signatures each school must have.

    2. What are possible problems that could appear connected to the relation between Curricular Basis and School’s Programs?

    R: The schedule, time to deploy their own objectives, or, lack of common aims.

    3. Why do you think skills, knowledge and attitudes are treated at the same level?

    R: because, each one must be deployed without ignoring the others; It Est. this trinity is a particle that cannot be separated. All are equally important!

    4. According to your academic experience in school, did you appreciate these three elements as a student (skills, knowledge and attitudes)?

    R: Not at all, I never cared about such competences because I was never aware of them; the lack of information was recurrent (at least for me)

    1. Group members: Karen gonzález y Luis Aguilar

  2. students: Rosa V.Meza A.
    Solange Coloma
    Nataly Escanilla

    1. How would you describe the autonomy margin in educational institutions?

    They are free to do whatever they need based on their goal as an educational institution.That is, they follow their own programs and plans according to the necessity of the school, but they have to follow general rules given by the Ministry of Education through the curricular basis, so the autonomy is partial.

    2.-. What are possible problems that could appear connected to the relation between Curricular Basis and School’s Programs?

    One of them is not to be able to achieve the goals expected from the curriculum in common and another: not to be able to apply more time for the subject to teach better as English needs because the hours are determined by the Ministry of Education.

    3.Why do you think skills, knowledge and attitudes are treated at the same level?

    Because each one depends on the other to get a good learning.

    4.. According to your academic experience in school, did you appreciate this three elements as a student (skills, knowledge and attitudes)?

    Unfortunately, they are not appreciated so easily because the teacher can't help each student get the three elements since there are too many students in a classroom. So Not all the students can achieve them.
