Friday, March 22, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 1

According to Cox (2001), answer the next questions:

1.- Describe the changes in the recent cultural reforms.
2.- Give an opinion, about this approach, connected to our country educational needs.
3.- As a group, what did you find interesting in this text.

Remember to use the PREP format to answer questions 2 and 3. (Point of view, reason, example and point of view)


  1. Group members:

    -Karen González M.
    -Luis Aguilar D.

    In order to get started & for answer the question number two, we have "Brain-stormed" what Chile needs in terms of education...

    First, the promotion of the famous "Learn to learn" make students be aware of study methodologies (Promote the proactive learning) "Interest"

    Second, put into oblivion the standardized test & be more individualistic when giving a test/class (a kind of utopia but not impossible)

    Third, exorcise the ghost that says techers are the only responsible for education & values giving. Parents should be aware of educational processes and not step aside.

    So, for answer we need to take all in consideration...
    And Finally we can say that the approaches proposed by Mr.Cox are innovating in a possitive way in the educational field. In a nutshell, we totally agree with the point of views & the ways cultivate inner abilities/skills.

    We are in pro of using knowledge in a positive-proactive way, incorporate media as Facebook or blogs when giving resources or feedbacks. Not only use technology for being " A la mode" but also for grow as individuals who know how to manipulate information positively.

  2. Group members:

    -Karen González M.
    -Luis Aguilar D.

    we think all the paper is totally interesting, but if we are obligated to pick just one issue - one of the most interesting was "To Experiment & learn 2 learn" it is related with the common sense (in educational terms) and the adaptability of the student in different situations.

    This may be the kingpin of learn to learn, as a teacher we must deploy this ability in order of make students more accesible to different ways of knowledge and situations.

    Concluding, this is the key for an "open-minded" person.

  3. 1. The most important change in the recent cultural reform is the new law " LOCE ". This law consists in that MINEDUC is not the most important organism in the education control which it was replaced by " Consejo Supremo De La Educacion " who approved curriculums of schools and MINEDUC .Another change is the way of teaching in class is different because the relationship between student and teacher exist an interchange of knowledge.

    2 . We need new tools for reinforcing the knowledge, as study material (books , dictionaries , encyclopedias , etc...) and extra-hours of study (assistanment).

    3. We found interesting the way of teaching " learn to learn "


    Ximena Aravena
    Alberto Carreño
    Felipe Gonzalez
    Olga Tapia

  4. 1. One of the most important changes is that education, no longer searches for general contents. Now the purpose is to develope social skills, to teach about culture and get students to adapt to the new technologies.
    2. According to the text, preparing students for the new world is a “must”. Develope skills to help them intergrate in the social, cultural and work world, implying that we, as teachers, give them the knowledge that they will need to meet new challenges. We will use students in social risk as an example, those who do not have interest in learning, we must show them the options they have to help them develope the academic skills that the educational world requires.
    3. As a group, we believe and affirm that, as teachers, we have the challenge and the duty to make the current educational system change for the students,, be more than a teacher to them, breaking with the schematic professor-student relationship and guide them to develop their skills further and direct them to a world that is constantly changing, providing them with concrete foundations to match their reality and the world we live in.

    Gianina Apablaza
    Pedro Pablo Bernales
    Linda Otey
    Débora Rubio
    Paulina Vidal

  5. cindy ramirez
    solange coloma
    andrea minte
    Nataly Escanilla
    rosa meza a.

    Answer to question number 2:
    We think, according to changes mentioned on the text, that most part of them can support the chilean educational needs.

    The chilean educational system has shown large deficiency in the basis of knowledge school studies. This may be perceived when students have to face their university or labor period, they might feel they are not capable or they do not have enough skills to face their new stage in life.

    This must happen, perhaps, because some teachers sometimes do not give the students enough time to put to work much longer what they are learning. On the other hand, also, we must think that, perhaps, the cross-curricular objectives are not completely applied.

    It is also important that the present chilean education uses tools based on technology and students' interests to catch and develope their aptitudes and skills completely. We must also consider that not all the students learn in the same way so it is necessary to use different ways to learn, that why it is relevant to use, then, different ways of evaluations for their knowledge.

    Answer to question number 3:

    The most important thing is that the reform wants to give the students the enough tools to learn, motivate, support or intensify the students' skills and capacity that they have or they are about to get in order to be able to handle and solve the problems in their own life.

    The more self- confident the teacher can make the students be the more posibilities the students can succeed in life.

    A teacher who teaches under good cross- curricular objectives can get all the purposes she wants from students in order to make them grow as individuals in society. On the contrary, if a teacher does not teach under a proper good cross-curricular objectives she is going to have students with insecurity in their learning and their future without developing their skills completely.

    A good planification of the lesson hours inside the classroom according to the knowledge required by the students.

  6. 1._According with the text we need more school experience that comunicate the hability that they can effectively handled in the scholar system.
    We also have to complement with more hours of studies, give more support materials , help the students who have more difficults in some subjects.
    2._The culture reforms change their priorities for the student's education
    we have to teach them new skills where they can understand better how to learn and keep learning and effectionately for their future.
    3._Certainly we must be prepared for the development of new ideas and knowledge. why we support the basic and fundamental tools that the student and teacher must work to achieve a new breakthrough. as examples highlight that ideas and knowledge are conducted through practice and besides that every educator learns the same way that students "learn to learn".


    Carolina Fuentes
    Alexandra Araya
    Natalie Rojas
