Friday, March 22, 2013

Edu Evaluation Session 1

Psychometric and Edumetric Tests

Based on the text "Classroom Assessment: A Plea for Change", answer the next questions:

1.- What is a psycometric test? What does it mesure? Give an example of psychometric test.
2.- How did standardization and tipification in the 50´s and 60´s influence evaluation? Give examples.
3.- "Psychometric tests has driven the curricula towards the content of the test rather than learning what students should be learning" Explain the sentence and give an example in Chile.
4.- What kind ok language skills are possible to be evaluated through psychometric tests?
5.- What is assessment?
6.- Clasify the next ideas into test or assessment:
a) Involves teachers and students
b) Tests give reliable data, which serves for monitoring advances
c) Assessment and ongoing strategy
d) Tests are kept hidden from the students
e) Sometimes there are external monitors
f) Assessment are periodical or in parts and can be discussed
g) Tests report a single score
h) Tests are given in a particular time
i) Students are provided opportunities sometimes before and after the assessment
7.- Give 6 characteristics of the alternative assessment in English
8.- Mention 8 Objections for assessment 


  1. Karen González M.
    Luis Aguilar D.
    Answers 7 & 8
    7- Characteristics:
    * Refers to procedures and techniques that can be easily incorporated into daily activities of the classroom.
    * It approximates the actual language use with authentic communicative function and avoids activities with little or no intrinsic communicative value.
    * It assumes a holistic view of language and emphasizes the interrelationship of various aspects of language, such as phonology, structure, and vocabulary. Alternative assessment also takes into account the whole learner and his/her social, academic, and physical context.
    * It attempts an integrative view of learning and learner's total array of skills and abilities. It allows for integration of various dimensions of learning as they relate to the development of language abilities.
    * It considers development of learning within the cognitive, social, and academic development of the learner.
    * It, usually, entails obtaining information about the learner from numerous sources and through various means.

    8- Objections:
    * The educational culture of the learners.
    * The physical conditions of the classrooms.
    * The number of students in a given class.
    * The learners' motivation and attitude toward the learning process.
    * The learners' future expectations about job security.
    *The learners' perception of the teachers in the country.
    * The learners' perception of the social and economic values of education.
    * Also, implementing assessment is too demanding on teacher's part.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great work Karen and Luis. Now please contrast your answers with the next ideas. Have a good weekend!

    7.- Characteristics of Alternative Assessment in English
    *English assessment avoid activities with no communicative value
    *Authentic situations
    *Holistic view of language
    *Interrelate phonology, structure, and vocabulary
    *Cognitive social and academic development
    *Magnifies the students reflection on the learning process

    8.- Objections for assessment
    *To demanding for the teacher
    *The educational culture of the learners
    *The physical conditions of the classrooms
    *The number of students in a given class
    *The learners' motivation and attitude toward the learning process
    *The learners' perception of the teachers in the country
    *The learners' perception of the social and economic values of education

  4. Franco Valdes
    Constanza Martinez

    5.- What is assessment?
    Approximates the actual language use with the authentic communicative function and avoid activities with little or not intrinsic communicative value.

    6.- Classify the next ideas in the table:

    Tests give reliable data, which serves for monitoring advances
    Test are kept hidden from the students
    Tests report a single score
    Tests are given in a particular time

    Involves teachers and students
    Assessment and ongoing strategy
    Sometimes there are external monitors
    Assessment are periodical or in parts and can be discussed
    Students are provided opportunities sometimes before and after the assessment

  5. Paulina Cataldo
    Monserrat Yañez

    1.- What is a psycometric test? What does it mesure? Give an example of psychometric test.
    It focus on the product of mental activities because within the positivistic philosophy paradigm, science had to deal with observable, measurable, and quantifiable phenomena. For example, employers often test graduate job applicants during the selection process.

    2.- How did standardization and tipification in the 50´s and 60´s influence evaluation? Give examples.

    Measurement devices should include a large sample of behavioral domain and the
    scoring should be as objective as possible to obtain high reliability and validity
    indexes. This movement, predominant for the second half of the last century, led to
    the construction and implementation of tests in multiple choice (MC) form. For example, certain high stake tests such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Michigan English Language Battery (MELB) were utilized as qualifying and certification criteria all around the world.

  6. 3. "Psychometric tests has driven the curricula towards the content of the test rather than learning what students should be learning" Explain the sentence and give an example in Chile.

    The statement explain this as is phenomenon, known as negative wash back, that has diminished the learning value of the language instruction across the world. Therefore, to beat the TOEFL 500 criterion, preparation classes have mushroomed around the world with the intention of boosting students' score on the test without taking the learning outcome of the education into account.

    4. What kind of language skills are possible to be evaluated through psychometric tests?

    Research findings have demonstrated that tests of this quality do not measure
    students’ language ability in the sense that they claim. There is ample evidence that
    students with high scores on TOEFL type tests are not, in fact, competent enough to
    cope with academic requirements. That is, the validity of such tests is well under
    question. In other words, such tests did not have credibility. Although powerful
    organizations such as Educational Testing Service (ETS) have been utilizing the tests
    across the world, such tests are no longer credited for their accountability.
