Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 2 (Personal work)

Personal Work
(Due date: April 3rd)

"Recorte de horas de historia se hizo pese a las criticas de los evaluadores consultados"

According to the piece of news given, comment:

1.- How are the different participants in this curricular change related?
2.- What are your personal conclusions about the way curricular decisions are taken in Chile?


  1. 1.- Contradictory, since all were opposed to it and the measure was approved anyway, some of the evaluators made mention of the overview of the Chilean education compared with abroad. Other mentioned that with less hours cannot be expected pass the minimum content required by the Ministry. This means that none of the evaluators supported the thesis of the cut in hours, only identified and commented.

    2.- That decisions became purely political in Chile, but that is not a novelty. In addition any curriculum change is going to always have an effect on any area of education, so that it is not enough to proclaim him and find a solution. The most affected will be the professionals of the area of history and technology.

  2. 1.- Evaluators were contradictory, they all have a different point of view about the cut in hours and their opinion weren't considered by the Ministery because it was aproved.
    There's not a clear idea about making desicions according to curricular changes in Chilean education. Evaluators considered lots of topics about cutting hours in History but none of them defended the main idea.

    2.- It's all about politics, I consider that the Ministery or the organism that are involved with the curricular changes in Chile has to have a strong and clear knowledge about the damage that the curricular change cause in our society and in the students and professionals of the History pedagogy field.

  3. 1.- Contradictory, because evaluators have not the same point of view about the needs of the curriculum that it was approved anyway showing the inefficiency of the National Board of Education.

    2.- I consider that curricular decisions are totally political in our country because are not relationed with the real needs of this fiels making a strong damage in the educational system.

  4. 1) All evaluators are against this proposal because they think they might not be effective, it needs time, in-depth analysis to reach a final conclusion, each gives his own argument and according to their assessments, the MINEDUC lacks of a basis to justify such a proposal and it questions it's effectiveness and consistency. For this reason the teachers and people related with the movement for history, geography and social sciences, that meet university professors and students.

    2) The government is not acting in the best way because it is not easy to make changes since you have to discuss about some topics related to this kind of problem, including the hours worked by each teacher. To do a deep analysis, one has to consider municipal and private schools to realize their needs they have, to see, for example, if the teacher who are able or not to teach the students well and it is not easy to make a change without knowing the real problem of each institution. One evaluator said that students have a higher workload of the OECD countries, but still there is ineffectiveness in school time.

  5. Rosa Verónica Meza Alamos.
    1.- How are the different participants in this curricular change related?

    There is no agreement among participants (the ministry of Education, a group of teachers and university students). Some think that credit hours could not be effective since this school timetable is not well used. it is ineffective. In general, there is no a good explanation which can permit to justify the timetable reduction in some subjects. Mineduc's proposal is not good at all.

    2.- What are your personal conclusions about the way curricular decisions are taken in Chile?

    I think that no matter how many changes we can make in curricular education, the problem will continue if we do not consider all the points of view of the matter to make it better and if we do not support a continuous improvements in teacher's skills.

    On the other hand, it is a matter of money and social level of students, etc. and not just cirricular hours.

    Finally, I also must consider that there is some economical participation since the teachers who can be affected by this change would suffer an economical diminishing

  6. 1. Totally contradictory, since surveys or studies realized by the ministry are not transparent and they are not demostring the real interests by the chilean education demand, therefore, subjects who have a cultural level are not being recognized for their importance.

    2. The decisions made by educators agents are not correct because it ignores the important matters in the education of an individual. I think we should be more conscious about the matters under consideration at present, and the importances of the subjects that the students will have in the future

  7. 1. - MINEDUC was irresponsible because they don’t responding to the comments made by the CNED.The expert reviewers are controversial since they have different opinions, but objecting to the proposal of the MINEDUC.

    2.- I share the opinion with the evaluating experts who objected to the proposal of the MINEDUC, and were not taken into account by the CNED. I believe that the field of history or social science is very important for pedagogical Consitución countries.My opinion is that they don’t make a decision with the seriousness that it need. I find it very badly coming from the MINEDUC.

  8. Mineduc and CNED should have the same opinion about the desitions they make, however, they do not agree. Evaluators take in consideration the extensive amount of hours students spend at school, nonetheless they keep lacking of education and culture.

    Unfortunately, in this country there are always political interests in this type of decisions, leading to mistakes as serious as this one. It is not possible that the new generations acquire less and less culture as the time goes by. Politics are always forgetting quality and equality in education.

  9. 1. The participants have their disagreements. Even though all the evaluators agreed to maintain the same hours of History, the members of the CNED reduced them, anyway.
    In spite of all the arguments that the evaluators gave, for example, that the new curricula is incomplete and inconsistent, or that even though our country has more hours of school then others from the OCDE there is, still, an ineffectiveness of the use of the time.
    The MINEDUC , anyway, approved this proposal, showing a lack of criteria, not taking into consideration all the arguments that the evaluator’s committee gave.

    2- I believe there is a huge irresponsibility, in Chile, when education is the issue. We can see in this same topic, the reduction of History subject hours, in spite of all the arguments that a capacitated group of professionals gave to the in charge authorities, they decided anyway to do what they thought was the right thing to do, for a better education, they, anyway, reduced the hours, so imagine in other decisions.
    There is a long way to take in order to have a quality education in Chile, but the way the Chilean government is doing it, is irresponsible.

  10. 1→ According to my point of view, the different participants have a conflict at the moment of making a decision in order of being “fair” with the different subjects, notwithstanding all subject deserve the same concern, CNED decided that Language & Math deserve more time; the reason for this may be that along the scholar process teachers do not go deep with these subjects. Exempli Gratia, taken from the text is that MINEDUC says that subjects related to critical-thinking need more time, but Chile, in relation with other countries and the parameters given by OCDE have more hours, wasting time – so, due this, they take hour from other signatures.
    In my opinion, the different parts should have a met and decide “equally” for each subject how many hours they need for a successful development of the topic.

    2→ Curricular decision are taken in a very arbitrary way, cannot believe that a bunch of people which do not represent at all the needs of the majority, decide how to administrate the educational schedule, another reason is that CNED do not listen the different opinions given by specialists, they just make them aside in order to deliver their own point of views according personal interests, a straight example; is the lack of communication between the consulted-experts and CNED (shown in the paper) In a critical point of view, we “As a country” need to re-do the system which manages education for a better development and a better life-quality.

    LP Aguilar D.

  11. 1°Totally contradictory,because evaluators have different opinions about consider that not have enough hours of study lo deliver the content and seek the real objetive equility and transversal objetives.

    2°the deciciones are taken only by the political, not all are focused need,so any change in the methods of study will have consequences not only in education, society also, the political not focus towars the quality.

  12. 1º All evaluators and their positions are completely contradictory against ultimately desicion was taken.
    2º I think the decision taken by the Ministry of Education is arbitrary because the history and science classes and other affected are needed to complement the students' knowledge.
