Friday, April 05, 2013

Edu Evaluation Session 2- Applications of Professional Ethics in Educational Assessment

Based on Pat Nellor Wickwire work, answer individually by Tuesday:

1.- What do you think is the relation between the cardinal principles of professional ethics and the steps mentioned when making decisions?

Use PREP format to answer (Point of view - Reason - Example - Point of View as a conclusion)


  1. I think that the relation between the cardinal principles of professional ethics and the steps when making decision is about always working for the clients, the clients are the only important thing and in order to achieve a great service is to, for example in the steps when making decisions, set priorities consistent with doing good, doing no harm , supporting self-determination, etc. And in the case of cardinal principles, these five principles reflect this too, for example, to seek and create benefits and doing good, avoid conditions or actions that hurt or place clients at risk, provide and ensure respect and dignity and being fair. As a conclusion, the relation between these two topics is to ensure ethical service to clients

  2. → I believe they are extremely bound each other, It Est, in order to decide which methodology we may/should apply we need to take into consideration educational ethics, and, in order to be ethic with the things we want to teach we need to decide whose steps we have to aboard.
    → The reason is that they cannot fulfill their purposes without the presence of the other. As example, think that you are teaching in a rural-low resources school & we need to go deeper into certain subjects/topics but we do not have a projector, or a single computer. We cannot stop our class if we have not the resources, we need to be ethical and keep on with the class in spite of the shortcomings.
    → In a nutshell, & taking in consideration the given information, we need ethic (being the macro concept of each one moral) in order to proceed properly & with no discrimination or lack of motivation.

  3. I think every concept presented in the book is relevant in the case of the cardinal principles of professional ethics and steps when decisions ,because they are closely linked to each other, since it is necessary to bear in mind in every decision which will be the benefit to be determined from those decisions.

    For example, in a classroom not always our plans will function perfectly, that is why we need to have the ability to make instant decisions and implement them, always thinking in the benefit that we are going to achieve.

    As a conclusion I can determine that each term is important for our evaluation process and we need to have in consider them every day.

  4. I think the relationship between the fundamental principles of ethics are as measured decisions when working for clients can be better served and give our best service.
    This is the goal to develop sevicios best to avoid the better options in the different places of attention to a broader audience.

  5. My thoughts state that whenever you make smaller or bigger -specially when manking bigger- decisions. you should always have in mind the ethic background. Is it fair? Does it have a good purpose? Can it inflict any harm on someone?
    You have to consider that education has always in mind the better for the learners and the society as a whole.

  6. I think the fundamental principles of professional ethics and the steps when making decisions are very bound each other because the making of desicion depend of the principles of ethics according to contribute to the welfare, growth and development of the clients and all their needs.

    So we can see all terms are extremely important to give a best service to the primary clients "the students" into the schools.

  7. When we talk about professional ethics it helps a professional choose what to do when faced with a problem at
    work that raises a moral issue, in this case the students which is also followed by certain steps to reach a comprehensible decision. Therefore many codes of ethics require that the professional must be “objective” in his or her work. Thus,not only does the concept of the reasonable peer apply in the objectivity of ethical thinking, it also
    applies in the giving of professional advice.

  8. I think, the relation between the cardinal principles of professional ethics and the steps mentioned when making decisions occurs because, professional in schools has responsibilities and rights, according o that, and all the steps mentioned are important when making decisions, thinking in the best for the clients.
