Friday, April 26, 2013

Curricular Theory - Sessions 4-6

Technical, practical and emancipatory interests.

By Tuesday, give a personal conclusion about the reading and your classmates' answers presented in class.   Remember writng your Point of View, a Reason, an Example and a conclusion (PREP).


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  2. I experimented a pedagogic decision in the technic, practical and emancipatory interests.

    First, the technic interest is the teaching and learning process, the main actor is knowledge. As a student I have to learn and memorized English test. For example in a theory class I had to learn the meaning of words without dictionary I have to deduce a couple of words based on my knowledge. I think this method is very convenient and easy to learn.

    The second is the practical interest that is directed toward the control and the understanding and ¿what should I do? For example the fundamental concern of the professor will be learning, not teaching.

    And the third is the emancipatory interest that enjoys the freedom of expression, equality and autonomy. It's critical and self-critical, for example one is free to expose their ideas and take part in the construction of their own knowledge. In my opinion this interest commits the student not only as a receiver but as active ceator of the same along with the professor.

    To finish these three interests are very essential for the life of human beings help us to build our own knowledge.

  3. These three interests are important to see the attitudes of the students, in order to see if all or just a few of them are interested in the topic presented by the teacher.

    In the technical interest, we can see a student who only cares about the receiving of the subject given by the teacher. He does not want to go beyond of this, and also he is not able to investigate the issue, because it might not make sense to him. There is not an interest, and if the student takes this attitude, we are going to see a passive student, who will only be a receiver of information.

    In the practical interest, the students are interested on the comprehension of their environment. They want to be part of it, and then, interact with the teacher. They want to ask questions, to make sense of all that they are interested. This directly influences on the objectives and contents that guide they learning process.

    The emancipator interest, we can find students who want to go beyond of being a simple recipient of information. This is an active learner who seeks to know everything and even more of what the teacher gives. He is responsible being who is interested in knowing and knowledge, meanwhile, the teacher delivers a good relationship based on dialogue with the student in order to keep an active student.

    By Solange Coloma I.


    I had never imagined that I could understand the procedure of learning in three steps, that is, technical, practical and emancipating interests.

    We can see the use of a technical interest in a student studying science as Biology, physics and mathematics because the student must use the scientific method to improve the process of work.

    The second interest (practical) is found in the historical - hermeneutical science and as an example we have Linguistics among others. It is a practical interest of comprehension for getting the culture and cultural processes and it is shown through written texts and speaking.

    And finally, the emancipating interest is given in the social and critics science (discussion), Here, the individual is looking for a reflexive feeling which can show maturity in his critics.

    In short, I think that the practical interest is a process that the teaching must use in one way or another since it is part of the teaching where the student is a passive individual and the teacher is the active one, in this step, the student receives information; the practical student generates subjective knowledge and there is a interaction between the teacher and the student. Finally, the emancipating interest, the student has got the autonomy in his knowledge and , perhaps, it is shown when the student gives his opinion about something that he has learned in class.
