Friday, April 05, 2013

Curricular Theory and Design Session 3

In class you answered the next questions:
1.- Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?
2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?
3. Do you think teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students?

Now comment in this post, individually, by Tuesday:

*** Give a conclusion about the reflexions shared in class***


  1. 1 → Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?
    → In my opinion the needs of the people should be the kingpin when making decision related to educational issues; nevertheless, in spite of everything “they” say the decision are taken by governors which does not represent real needs of the common citizen, we may be witnesses of this just thinking/remembering the last demonstrations related to educational quality, budget & equality, they are yelling their needs & issues but, politicians are looking in the other side, trying to hide the sun with a finger. In 2006 I was part of these demonstration a.k.a. “Penguins’ Revolution” that was the kick-start of the former “Marchs” whose intentions are the same as some years ago.
    → The reason that the educational changes are not taken by the people is that Chile as a country has a lot of shortcomings, first, the distribution of money & social classes, then, equality for all, lack of commitment from MINEDUC with the propositions and the true reached goals, and so on. The last year was put in motion “Superintendence of Education” in order to monitor schools, but, being a part of the system as we already know it, it will hide as the politicians do the problems & shortcomings of public/private schools and give us a placebo or fake panacea and say that everything is O.K. Even if is the opposite.
    → A perfect Exempli Gratia is given in the text we read in class, when the military government, took away from the curricula the subjects or careers that may oppose or be a problem for the current government. In that example we can appreciate how the needs of the people were taken into oblivion & overall was the needs of the military government.
    → Even if we have solutions, those are just placebos for the illness at the moment, we need a deep change in order to improve education, LOCE did not fulfill our expectations, and LGE is running on the same railways, MINEDUC should care of people true needs & not possible ones.

    2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?
    → That they still depend on the government needs and not people’s. The original idea of education should be proportionate education with learning at short & long terms, but, this is affected by politicians’ needs, they deploy information in the way they may be beneficiated with this, It Est, they are creating technicians, instructions-dependents, zombies of the system, cheap “Manpower”.
    → In my opinion, the system is infected, and the viruses called politicians should be exterminate, with the vaccine known as people’s voice. Claim your rights and needs not only for the present, but also for your future bloodlines.

    3. Do you think teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students?
    → First of all, all depends on the motivation and the purposes a teacher has. A teacher has to change student’s fate for good, create proactive citizens & deploy student’s inner skills, even if the schools don’t have the resources to bring an optimal learning a teacher has to make the difference.
    → The reason is that schools are totally bound to government and they take its action courses according the parameters given by MINEDUC, they try to fulfill our educational expectations but, ‘til nowadays they cannot.
    → As a clear example we have the bad distribution of the budget which rarely benefits more the paid schools than the free ones.
    → The point of view is clear, in order to have the tools to apply/deploy a satisfactory learning we need teachers that want to overcome all the bureaucracy of the system and apply its knowledge in an optimal way spite of everything.

  2. 1- Educational changes depend on, according to the text, on the needs of people, because with LOCE, for example, the aim of this law was to develop student's skills and also prepare them as human beings for lives, in order to be creatives and autonomous, Also, with the change from the Military Government to the Democracy, quality of equality, integration and competitivity were important issues of the education, which it shows that they were taking into consideration the people needs.

    2- The text refers about long term learning when it talks about the changes in the curriculum, for example, it says that teachers have to contextualize the curriculum to the reality in which they are working, that is something that cannot be done in a couple of days, actually it is an issue that nowadays is still on vogue. And, short term learning is about Values to teach to students, when it says that it's important to prepare them for the future, to their lives outside the school.

    3- I think that teachers and schools have the tools to develope critical skills and social responsibilities in their students because with the new reform, after the Military Government, the important topics, among others, were to promote the student’s development through team work, and also the development of critical skills, in order to strengthen social morality as a citizen committed to the community and himself. In this way teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students.

  3. 1- I think that educational changes depend on the governors because according to the text all the changes that the Chilean curriculum had in the Military Government were managed by them in that time. So that's why I found that it depends on the governors.

    2- The text says that long term it's about the change on the programs of Elementary Schools and Secondary schools so that is something that can last long time, we also have the Curricular reform in PAA and PSU and as I said before it canno't be done in for example 3 months, it requires time and it has to be projected before. In short term I think that the values and responsibilities that teachers gives to the students is something that we can achieve in a short time.

    3- Teachers does have enough tools to develope critical skills and social as the text explains in 1997 the Curricular reform had as a goal to develop student's skills and to form independent and creatives human beings. So I believe that teachers have the tools to form and to give values through team work as the text says.

  4. 1) The educational changes depend on the needs of the people, everything is focused on the development, training and knowledge for them. Since the beginning of the curriculum reform, the aim has been enhancing the fundamental factors for the development staff. An example would be when there was a change of government to a democratic military focusing only on the needs of society. In my opinion the education always take the needs of the people.

    2) According to the text the long term learning refers to the changes have been made in accordance with the basic education and media, that the educational objectives are meaningful and appropriate to be more effective in the future. In order to train students as autonomous human beings and creative. And the short term learning refers to how the teachers, as they are to the students by giving them tools and values for its development.

    3) In my opinion, the teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students, prepare students by means of team work and the creation of critical thinking skills, developing plans and programs of study in addition to skills and tools necessary to function as people and give you an idea of what they face in the future.

  5. 1.- Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?

    - I believe that, education changes depend on the needs of people, because the system is always adapting to the needs of society, so that, education must always try to innovate.

    2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?

    - In my opinion, the text means that the government has greatly influenced the way in which learning is used in addition to the subjects taught in schools.
    With ‘long-term learning’, we’re talking about the processes that occur when there is a change in the curriculum, it can take months, even years. An example, is the change of the PAA to the PSU.
    If we talk about short-term learning, we’re talking about what students learn in class, with the help of the teacher, or learning that happens in the moment, which also emerge from a change in the curriculum.

    3. Do you think teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students?

    - In my opinion, teachers and schools are trying to get the tools needed to educate students, but not yet completely achieved. It is very difficult to deliver these tools to ALL students.
    An example of this is seen in the repetition, theme that every year happens to one or more students per grade. Despite this, it should be noted that each year there are more specialized teachers who possess the skills to create critical skills in their students.

  6. 1.- Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?

    Educational changes, in my opinion, depend on the needs of the people, and in relation to the text, has been changing the curriculum reform according to the needs of the students, in context with the times.

    2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?

    According to the text, the long-term learning has taken place in the curriculum reform, both in basic schools, on average. They are significant because they spend years to be able to change in education. It need time.
    The short-term learning is produced in a short time to the students, either in class or in the outside, with the help and support of teachers.

    3. Do you think teachers and schools have the tools to develop critical skills and social responsibilities in their students?

    I think that teachers have the skills to educate students, but educational institutions do not have the tools required to develop a better and effective teaching.

  7. 1.-Do educational changes depend on the governors or the needs of people?
    They depend on the governors because they are in charge of the procedures to make the educational changes go ahead.
    The ministry of education is the government entity in charge of all the procedures which can create plans and programs for primary and secondary teaching to put them into practice in schools.
    So, it is necessary to depend on the authorities to get the educational aims

    2.-What does the text says about long and short term learning?
    The long-term learning is that which seeks to train students, help them become independent, they know how to face the world today
    While the short-term learning searches almost immediate results, eg with group work students learn skills quickly

    the group was just two persons :
    Veronica Meza A.
    Solange Coloma I.

  8. 1. I think that the changes depend both, needs of the people and the governors, because the curriculum has been creative for the students, to form creative and authonomus human beings, but for example at the military regimen, the governors reduce the reflections and popular subjects, that´s why i think that the changes in education has listened the needs of the people, but is the government who is in charge of the education.

    2. The text says about short term, it depends on the curricular forms made by teachers and schools to adequate the curriculum to the appropiate needs of the students, for example the PAA wich now is the PSU, but the long terms mean that the education that we reiceve as human beings, the values and good manners taught by the teachers and specially the ministry of education.

    3. The teachers and the school have totally responsability to otorgate to the students the tools and critical skills for form a society, in the text we can see the example of military regimen, wich didn´t want the students had a critical thought, because it might affect the regimen at the time, therefore, the ministry of education, teachers and study houses have to create thinking people to fight and participate in a good education equaly to all the people.

  9. 1. Educational changes depend on the governors because they adapt to the political needs of the government For example, when the militar regime was in power there were subjects abolished just because they could be dangerous to the ideologies of the state. That is why I believe educational changes are in the hands of the governors.

    2. According to the text in the school reform of 1997, which is focused on basic and middle education, the intention is to educate the students, in addition to train them as autonomous and creative human beings, which is learning in the long term. With this same reform the power was given to the institutions to adapt the curriculum to the current needs of the students learning.

    3. Yes, but I believe that is the kind of learning that begins at home. At school, the teachers can enhance the skills of discernment of the students, demand punctuality and responsibility, for example by giving them tasks and jobs to do at home, but they will need someone at home to see as a positive example for the student, someone who boosts them. This is the reason why in my opinion the teachers and schools have the tools to improve the skills students learn at home.

  10. 1:- I think that the education is changing according to people’s needs because the system needs to adapt to the people.
    2:- For long term the text says that they were focused in the relevance of school experience and the curricular flexibility.
    They pretend to develop abilities and educate autonomous and creative human being ,so they can develop potential factors for the development their personal life.
    They are looking for enhance the development of the student via teamwork and the creation of critical skills,so they can have a social morality as a citizen.
    In a short term it’s how the teachers are educating in the class and if the students are learning what they are teaching.
    3:- In my opinion the teacher has the skills and tools but sometimes the education establishments don’t have what they need or their aren´t in the best condition to make use of them.
